i am critical of media, i have a low social battery which highly depends on my mood, i dont mind 1 on 1 dms but i am dogshit at initiating, social anxiety is a pain in the ass,sometimes i may not check social media for hours, so if theres less timeline interactions i might be too shy or im just offline, also im a yapper, i avoid getting involved in discourse, im not the best at complimenting or recieving compliments - so i just resort to giggling maniacly :3, i ship vashwood(i have to say this bc media illiterate trigun fans exist)
ohhh this might be a long list and it might be specific, ik some ppl dont listen anyways but like. idc, need to state my boundaries somehow
basic dni criteria, proship/profic/or any of the sorts, zoos, lolishotacons, sh/ed twt, zionists/neutral, vivzieflop supporterts/defenders, GL/BL fetishizers, ppl who believe "blackwashing" exists, ppl who make "im gonna touch you" jokes, ppl who use the r slur

these boundaries apply to total strangers or ppl i barely speak to
non-platonic flirting is pohibidited, pls dont be creepy, dont vent to me if we barely know eachother, i do make kms jokes but dont direct kys
jokes at me, tone tags aren't required for me but they are encouraged, teasing is fine
for friends: flirting is fine as long as ur not creepy, kys/die jokes are okay but i would like to know if ur joking or not, venting to me in dms is fine if u ask first, please be honest and dont keep things from me